The Many Faces of Chronic Pain: Effects on Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health

The Many Faces of Chronic Pain: Effects on Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health

Sam Ojong ·


The Many Faces of Chronic Pain: Effects on Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health


Chronic Pain And Sleep Problems

psychological effects of chronic pain

Chronic pain can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, or can keep you from feeling refreshed after waking. These sleep problems can exacerbate existing depression, cause new issues with memory and concentration, contribute to irritability, headaches, and more.-Chronic pain is a complex condition that can have far-reaching effects on a person's physical, mental, and emotional health.

In addition to suffering from chronic pain syndrome, you might also experience fatigue and problems with both short-term and long-term memory, concentration, and depression.

You may also experience changes in your mood as a result of chronic pain. It is important to know that these changes are common, and can be successfully treated.

Being a chronic pain patient can interfere with basic daily tasks such as walking, sleeping, sitting, or standing. It often causes difficulties with personal relationships, work, and other areas of daily life. Many people cam also develop neuropathic pain when the nervous system is tampered with after an injury or surgical procedure that was intended to help with pain.

It is not uncommon for people experiencing acute pain to want to try any sort of treatment that might help with their pain relief. This includes testing the effects of pharmacological and non pharmacological treatments to lower the pain intensity.

Medical cannabis is effective for chronic pain management by targeting both the peripheral and central nervous systems. However, there is still concern of the possibility of patients becoming addicted to this type of treatment for chronic widespread pain. However, a new study conducted by Dr. Jeff Fudin, a physician specializing in cannabis, and a team of researchers has found that medical marijuana may be effective in reducing opioid use among chronic pain patients. The study was published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research.

effects of chronic pain on mental health

Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain.

Nerve pain, such as that caused by foot pain, is generally described as aching, tingly, sharp, or numbing depending on the severity of the pain. Neck pain can be caused by anything from whiplash to a muscle strain. Foot pain and hip pain can reflect a variety of problems, including arthritis and muscle strains.

Each person experiences chronic pain differently, and pain relief that works for one person may not work for another.

Everyone has different tolerance levels for pain. Thus, the level of pain may be different for each individual.

The key to managing chronic pain is to use what works for you, and to not be afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone. "Virtually all people will experience chronic pain at some point in their lives," says Dr. McPherson. "People who are able to manage their pain will live better, more active lives."

long term effect of chronic pain on the brain

Psychological Effects of Chronic Pain

The effects of long term persistent pain on a person's mental health can be very life changing even leading to some form of anxiety disorder. It's not just the severe pain that's a problem for mental health. The physical symptoms that can accompany mental illness, such as headaches or stomach pains, can be just as debilitating.

A common misunderstanding about high impact chronic pain is that people who have a lot of pain must be "faking it" or exaggerating it, since the perception is that pain doesn't last long. The reality is that chronic pain can be constant and debilitating.

When all consuming constant pain is present, it's very difficult to focus, concentrate or be productive in any area of life. I do believe this is a crucial area that has been ignored by medical research over the past 45 years. I don't know if the medical community understands how chronic pain affects a person mentally. It's not something that you, as a lay person can point to and say "well that person should change their attitude" because they're in pain. The effects are so deep and pervasive you really have to understand it on an intellectual level in order to really understand what a chronic pain sufferer is going through.

Chronic pain can lead to anxiety and depression, and it can make it hard to focus or enjoy activities you used to love. It can be isolating, and make you feel like you're the only one who understands what you're going through

Chronic pain affects more than just your body. It affects your relationships, school, work, and your overall quality of life. Some people with chronic pain feel happy and have positive experiences, even if they sometimes have trouble doing things that others might take for granted.

For those who suffer, help can be hard to get. Many people don't believe chronic pain is real or that it's caused by an underlying medical condition, unfortunately, they believe pain medication is the answer. The medical community has historically been unwilling to give patients the benefit of the doubt when it comes to pain management - and the opioid epidemic has only made that worse.

And while you might feel like hiding in your house, it's important to do things that will help you feel better, even if you can't enjoy the same activities or environment that you did before. Long term pain can bring with it psychological effects of different kinds. "People with chronic pain often feel like they are the only ones who can understand the pain they are in and start to isolate themselves socially," says Kehne, who recently co-authored a paper on the psychology of chronic pain.

effects of chronic pain

Chronic pain can take a toll on your mental and emotional health. It can cause anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It can make it difficult to concentrate, memory problems, and irritability.

There are many factors that influence how physical pain affects you. Your personality type and psychological makeup, your coping skills and support system, and the other stresses in your life all factor in.

Pain medicine can sometimes be ineffective even though it is used to numb the pain signals. In fact, they can make it worse where the nerve damage is not being treated fully and is still able to emit moderate pain. The good news is that developing a healthy diet and lifestyle can dramatically improve your quality of life. It may sound counter-intuitive when in pain but effects of a good physical therapy session are also said to benefit neuropathic pain.

Chronic pain can cause you to avoid the things you once enjoyed (including exercise), and it can make it difficult to carry out your usual daily routines.

psychological effects of chronic pain on the brain

What Causes Chronic Pain? The most common causes for chronic pain include:

  • Poor posture
  • Significant weight gain or loss, especially from rapidly losing weight or gaining weight very quickly
  • Repetitive physical work (such as being a cashier or seamstress)

-There are some common side effects of chronic pain that can disrupt life as we know it.

there are unusual side effects that affect some any chronic pain patient; some of these are distressing, some are amusing, and a few are just plain bizarre. These side effects are a consequence of the drugs used to treat the pain and may lead you to explore other drug options.

  • Pain-associated depression and stress: Depression and stress are common mental health issues associated with chronic pain, and can be a major disruption to life.
  • Fatigue and sleep disruptions: Sleep is a natural healing process, and lack of sleep can lead to irritability, attention issues, and an inability to concentrate, among other things.
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Physical Digestive Issues
  • Anxiety Mood Swings
  • Anxiety Feelings of Hopelessness & Helplessness
  • Anger & Aggression
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Depression: Depression can be a major issue for the chronic pain sufferer. The Mayo Clinic says: "People who have chronic pain conditions may feel sad, hopeless, helpless, worthless or overwhelmed. They may feel angry, irritable, anxious or restless."

Effects of High Impact Chronic Pain On Our Emotions

side effects of chronic pain


Low mood, anxiety, irritability and isolation are all symptoms of depression. The effect pain has on us will have an impact on our mood. If we're experiencing a lot of pain, chances are we could be feeling down or even suicidal which is why depression needs to be taken seriously. One way to combat this is to focus on the things in your life that mean a lot to you.

Some days, it can feel like you are getting used to the pain and it will get easier but with each day, they seem to get worse. In this post, I have compiled an extensive list of the common yet crazy side effects of chronic pain that have been documented all over the web:

  1. You start to stop trusting your feelings and emotions You might start to feel depressed and start to feel that you are losing it and your feelings are not real.

Sometimes seem like we are going crazy. The funny part is, some of those who suffer from chronic pain actually have the opposite of a chemical reaction in their brains. In their case, there is an increase in certain neurotransmitters that normally should calm the mind and body down. Our emotions are controlled by neurotransmitters, but there are a few types of neurotransmitters that can cause us to feel down, anxious or depressed.

The good thing is that you can learn how to cope with the emotions that arise from chronic pain. I have lost my mind - my mind is gone - I have lost my mind, but I can still find myself - by turning it all inside out. As chronic pain patients, we have become experts on "turning it all inside out." We have to because we have to make it happen just to survive the day. We are experts at finding ourselves.

Anxiety and depression are the most common and most commonly misunderstood of all chronic pain effects..

effects of chronic pain on mental health

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